Tom's Story




I grew up surrounded by dogs, with both my grandfather and father participating in breeding and dog sports. My closest friends were dogs, and my lifelong passion for them shows!

I wanted to learn more about how dogs processed information and why they behaved in certain ways, which sent me on a quest of more than 30 years, where I have studied just about every kind of training there is.

I have taken the best of many different philosophies and created a unique strategy that meets dogs where they are, and works with their own natural drives and inclinations to model the behavior we desire. Within just a few minutes I create a bond with the dog I am working with and help them gain confidence- and even become optimistic about the work we’re doing together- so the dog not only learns from our process but has fun doing it.

I really want to help others understand their dogs and how relate to them in a sustainable and safe way that allows each to be true to their nature, with appropriate boundaries, so they can lead happy lives together.

I am honored to work with both dog owners and rescue organizations to achieve positive outcomes for their dogs because this is truly what I am meant to do!


A German Shepherd's Story


A Shy, Reactive Dog’s Story